I'm hoping to run two marathons in 2010, London and New York, all for Children with Leukaemia
If you want to sponsor me, you can do so at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JamesRunsLDN-NYC

All donations, both great and small, are hugely appreciated, and all funds go direct to the charity (I'll be paying for NY flights and accommodation myself)

Friday, 21 November 2008

And so it begins...

Yes, as you've all heard by now, yours truly is running the London Marathon 26th April 2009.

The news has been met by much merriment from my friends, a smattering of support, one or two "good for you"s, and more than a little cynicism. 

To quote one friend in particular, "Have you ever heard anything so funny, he's a lazy git, he'll never get round,". 

Bless. Love my friends.

Anyway, seeing as this promises to be one hell of an adventure (or alternatively just 'hell'), I figured I would share my adventures with all and sundry. 

I'm already discovering the world of marathon running is a strange place, full scary myths, contradicting advice and expensive training gear, so there should be plenty of amusing fodder to report during the next 5 months, 4 days, 16 hours, 44 minutes and 44 seconds.

It's worth pointing out at this stage that I can currently run for only 30mins. 

At 11.5 klm/h.


In the gym.

And that's with Kylie on full blast. (It's v important to run to quality music).

And so it begins...