Yes, as you've all heard by now, yours truly is running the London Marathon 26th April 2009.
The news has been met by much merriment from my friends, a smattering of support, one or two "good for you"s, and more than a little cynicism.
To quote one friend in particular, "Have you ever heard anything so funny, he's a lazy git, he'll never get round,".
Bless. Love my friends.
Anyway, seeing as this promises to be one hell of an adventure (or alternatively just 'hell'), I figured I would share my adventures with all and sundry.
I'm already discovering the world of marathon running is a strange place, full scary myths, contradicting advice and expensive training gear, so there should be plenty of amusing fodder to report during the next 5 months, 4 days, 16 hours, 44 minutes and 44 seconds.
It's worth pointing out at this stage that I can currently run for only 30mins.
At 11.5 klm/h.
In the gym.
And that's with Kylie on full blast. (It's v important to run to quality music).
And so it begins...
"Kylie on full blast"
There needs be no further comment than this!
Absolutely! You need something to put a spring in your step!
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